These six are the last of the babies for the year. All six are buff silkies from a nice man named Jack Ferguson. While they are currently in an awkward stage, they will be gorgeous soon.

For now they're just funky looking. This one looks a lot like Phyllis Diller.

They are very sweet, very calm babies though. I can't wait to see what they turn into as they grow.

If all goes well with these six, they will be the beginning of my buff silkie project. They should start laying sometime next spring. We'll see what kind of offspring we get out of them. For now they are just funny and sweet.
She does look like Phyliss! Funny!
I love the hen below, she is so gorgeous!
Miss Ophelia is a froot loop, but she is fun. The others in that pen are scaredy cats, but she is very inquisitive. She and Yorrick are on a mission to get Fred. The others run away from Fred the cat. Ophelia and Yorrick run at him. Well... run at him until he turns around and looks at them. Then they run away screeching. Silly chickens.
I can't wait to see what her babies look like. :)
What gorgeous chicks! I have two silkies, and they are such comical little birds :)
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