These are the two incubator babies. They made the move outside and are doing great!
This is the older blue. She's really starting to fill out.
The other splash. Maybe.
The jury is still out as to whether this one is a splash or a light blue.
Either way she's a cutie!
This is the younger of the black babies. You can't really tell in the picture, but the black chicks have this amazing green sheen to their feathers. It's really lovely!

All 7 babies are doing really well. Fifi has given up on motherhood completely (and in fact is broody again). Shorty is still mothering them sometimes. I noticed tonight she was roosting with the other big chickens and had left the babies to fend for themselves. I guess she too is tired of motherhood. Poor babies!
All 7 babies are doing really well. Fifi has given up on motherhood completely (and in fact is broody again). Shorty is still mothering them sometimes. I noticed tonight she was roosting with the other big chickens and had left the babies to fend for themselves. I guess she too is tired of motherhood. Poor babies!
I think the blues and splashes are gorgeous! We were lucky enough to get a couple this weekend. They're so pretty!
Thanks! I am really loving the blue/black/splash combination. These girls just get prettier and prettier! What kind did you get this weekend?
Anne, they're gorgeous!!! I bet they're even more beautiful in person.
Fifi's broody again! Nothing like spring to bring out the broodiness - mine had seemed to go broody back to back this spring with barely any time to raise the babies.
I bought a dozen of Sassy Silkie's eggs when she ran her special, so I'm getting more Silkies that should be even fluffier than the ones I had! :D And I've got my Wheaten Ameraucana eggs in the bator.
I'm so excited about your new silkies and wheatens! I can't wait to see pictures of your new babies. I've really been thinking of you lately and wondering how things are going. Nice to hear you have new babies to love on!
Not only is Fifi broody, but Dot the MF and Speedy the sebright as well. Sheesh! Sebrights NEVER go broody, but there she is all hunkered down and growling. Dot has two eggs and one is developing. She should have a hatch sometime this week. I didn't intend for her to be broody so I didn't mark down the date. I'll just get surprised one of these days with a baby. I'm trying to break Speedy of it and trying to hold Fifi off until those blue barreds get here. Ack! All the crazy broodies!
I just had a fairly successful incubator hatch. All three mille fleur babies hatches out and three of the welsummer mixes hatched. They're pretty sweet. I'll post new pics soon.
Glad you like the BBS babies. They're getting so big and pretty. Next spring we should be able to trade some eggs. Whee! :)
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